“She is one of the best teachers I have ever seen, and as a leader has pushed our school to dramatic improvement.”

- Rachel Bennett Yanof, Executive Director, Achieve60AZ

Carrie Larson

I’m a life long educator, strategist and problem solver living in Phoenix, Arizona.



I love learning and helping others to learn. My career has been dedicated to educational access and equity for all children and young adults. My work is inspired by mother, a teacher and counselor for over 3 decades, and my grandmother, who started her teaching career in a one room school house.


(02 - 04)



The projects listed below were completed for a wide variety of organizations, both large and small, on timelines ranging anywhere from weeks to years.


Innovation School House Models (Link)



Strategic Plan (Link)



Proven Process Creation (Link)



Goal Setting Process (Link)



Personalized Mastery - Based Learning Plan (Link)



Proposed 10 Year College Graduation Target (Link)



Data Driven Instruction Implementation Plan (Link)



Vision and Priorities Project (Link)



Link to CV

An overview of my work experience.

Math Portfolio

A portfolio I created as part of a pilot project, Teach Cycle, with BetterLesson.

College Ready Skills Continuum

A project I worked on to create a document of key skill and mindset goals for each grade level.

Sample Status Update

I always work to keep my team and partners updated, here is an example of a status update document.


“Once she knows how to read there's only one thing you can teach her to believe in and that is herself.”
― Virginia Woolf



All works on this site are the property of the employer/client they were created for.